Thursday, December 15, 2005

damn it

Damn I had just written a really clever intro and then the stupid blogger site crashed leaving me to start writing this again. Anyway here is the moment that everyone who ever reads this site has been dying to see.....wait for it wait for it.....a four way conversation between john, jen, susan and just might be the greatest conversation of all time. Or it could just be 4 people talking about pandas, clippers basketball, USC football, myspace, free porn and other random topics, you can decide for yourself. Anyway thanks again to susan and jen for helping to make this the great website that it is.

JHmiraclebeam has joined the room.
suzhill33 has joined the room.
You have just entered the chat room.
BSH84: look he's up on top of the rock
JHmiraclebeam: my gf is snob
BSH84: 5 bucks says he falls
JHmiraclebeam: shes too good to join
truxelgal has joined the room.
BSH84: haha...hi jen
truxelgal: hi
truxelgal: susan????
suzhill33: hi!
truxelgal: HI!
JHmiraclebeam: but he mde it
suzhill33: hahah sorry..
BSH84: i think he is pooping john
suzhill33: i was watching tai
JHmiraclebeam: yes
truxelgal: oh got susan hooked
suzhill33: i know.. sad isnt it?
BSH84: you should actually blame tim, he started it
JHmiraclebeam: i know
truxelgal: damn tim
JHmiraclebeam: can su lin climb a rock
JHmiraclebeam: i didnt think so
BSH84: yes she can
JHmiraclebeam: that lazy whore
BSH84: i'mn gonna go check on her now
BSH84: double panda vision!!!!
truxelgal: very productive day for the two of you
suzhill33: wow i cant believe i'm watchin panda go
JHmiraclebeam: i hope he falls
JHmiraclebeam: haha
BSH84: i am working jen...i have like 30 agenda items i'm taking mysweet time with
BSH84: he iwll fall
suzhill33: oh no!
BSH84: he is clumsy, unlike su lin, who is very coordinated
suzhill33: i hope he doesnt fall
BSH84: ooh sun lin is running around
JHmiraclebeam: look at the balance
JHmiraclebeam: the agility
suzhill33: he looks chicken sh*t tho
JHmiraclebeam: hes so talented
JHmiraclebeam: you watch your mouth
suzhill33: ah see? he's heading back up
suzhill33: too hard for tai shen
BSH84: they changed teh camera to gao gao
BSH84: tai is stuck, he's gonna have to call for his mom now
JHmiraclebeam: what a mama's boy
suzhill33: sorry jen
JHmiraclebeam: what a sstupid ass
suzhill33: you must be so annoyed
JHmiraclebeam: he should just roll into a ball and roll down
BSH84: hahahaah
suzhill33: c'mon already!!!!!!!!!!!!11
BSH84: its like a foot to the floor
BSH84: hahahahha
suzhill33: just slide down mutha f-er!!!!!!!11
suzhill33: oops
truxelgal: oh..i kinda stopped paying attention...hee hee
suzhill33: haha you're strong
suzhill33: and...... he's down
JHmiraclebeam: told you
JHmiraclebeam: he didnt need his mom
JHmiraclebeam: wtf!
suzhill33: so are we all goin to citywalk for the rally????
BSH84: where is his mom?
JHmiraclebeam: i tried inviting tim
BSH84: when is ther rally?
JHmiraclebeam: his software doesnt support it
suzhill33: the day before i believe.. 3rd?
suzhill33: imma make sure
BSH84: did you get tix?
suzhill33: psh nope. still tryin
suzhill33: did u guys?
BSH84: my friend did....but no one else i know did
JHmiraclebeam: if you have 2500 for us to borrow
BSH84: jen...for christmas i think you should get john 2 tix to the rose bowl
JHmiraclebeam: lets go since we're all usc alumni
BSH84: jen...for christmas i think you should get john 2 tix to the rose bowl
truxelgal: um...yeah
BSH84: jen...for christmas i think you should get john 2 tix to the rose bowl
BSH84: hahaha...yes
JHmiraclebeam: hey wally...i read it the first time you typed it
JHmiraclebeam: i kid
BSH84: i didn't type it twice, it did it by itself
truxelgal: why do you always have to bring up wally
truxelgal: hee hee
BSH84: are you gonna go tailgate at the rosebowl and watch on a tv susan?
suzhill33: monday, jan. 2, 6pm-7pm
suzhill33: i just might have to
suzhill33: wanna tailgate?
JHmiraclebeam: see jen...susan has usc spirit
suzhill33: c'mon jen.. i'll pick u up for the rally at least!!!
truxelgal: i was waiting for john to say somethin!
suzhill33: hah
BSH84: jen do you own anything that says USC?
truxelgal: haha
truxelgal: one pullover
JHmiraclebeam: thats my girl
truxelgal: oh! and my license plate cover
truxelgal: !
JHmiraclebeam: that isnt on your car
BSH84: haha
truxelgal: it's all about the ELAC pride now
truxelgal: c'mon!
BSH84: and susan how much usc stuff do you have?
JHmiraclebeam: awww....tai thinks hes in china
JHmiraclebeam: he thinks hes gonna be made into stew
BSH84: hahahaha
JHmiraclebeam: seriously...look at him go
BSH84: they will eat him....endangered animals are tastier
JHmiraclebeam: definitely
JHmiraclebeam: that bald eagle i had last week was mmmmmmm
JHmiraclebeam: like gelato
BSH84: hahaha....damn thats smooth
suzhill33: hmmmmm haha i've got 3 sweatshirts... 4 tshirts... 1 tank top... 1 pillow.. license plate frame... 5 bumper stickers... 1 cap... 1 shotglass.. 1 mug...
suzhill33: anyway, you get the point
JHmiraclebeam: loser!
suzhill33: no i think
suzhill33: WINNER
truxelgal: john's just jealous cuz he had to go to CSULB...i feel bad for him
suzhill33: ditto
BSH84: don't worry remember john we are going to go back to school
BSH84: just so we have someone to cheer for
BSH84: and remember neither of us have a football team
JHmiraclebeam: yeah
JHmiraclebeam: i am
JHmiraclebeam: exaclty
suzhill33: my bro's company just got bought out for 485m
suzhill33: well the company he *works* for
JHmiraclebeam: grad is not teh same as going there undergrad
JHmiraclebeam: really
JHmiraclebeam: where does he work
BSH84: i was gonna say, if its your bros company i want to be his new best friend
suzhill33: yup that's why imma trojan
suzhill33: haha pricegrabber
truxelgal: what does ur bro do
BSH84: you are asking john right jen?
truxelgal: haha h
suzhill33: haha what does joe do?
suzhill33: my brother does programming
suzhill33: omg one of the kids that i tutor.. just msged me on aim...
suzhill33: but i teach writing
suzhill33: so i'm trying my best not to use abbreviations
JHmiraclebeam: kids should not be allowed to aim
suzhill33: isnt that lame??
suzhill33: i cant say OMG
JHmiraclebeam: haha
suzhill33: or how R U
suzhill33: it's tiring typing so much
suzhill33: =)
JHmiraclebeam: yeah...
JHmiraclebeam: brad and i tried that for a day
JHmiraclebeam: we gave up
JHmiraclebeam: hey brad
JHmiraclebeam: you still have that day's convo?
suzhill33: hahah wtf is panda doing???
suzhill33: he's freakin me out!
JHmiraclebeam: haha
JHmiraclebeam: he needs a helmet...hes gonna hurt himself
BSH84: sorry i just got my broncos tickets
BSH84: sweet
BSH84: hmm i'll check to see if i have that convo
BSH84: i don't think that i do
BSH84: it was fun though
suzhill33: haha now work on dem rose bowl tix!
BSH84: step at a time
suzhill33: yeah alright.. sorry... i'm all wound up over it =p
truxelgal: sorry guys...i gotta go study for my test tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see ya!
suzhill33: ok! good luck jen!
truxelgal: it was nice talking "panda" w/you
truxelgal has left the room.
JHmiraclebeam: its chinese for yum
BSH84: hahaha
JHmiraclebeam: okay
suzhill33: hahahhaha dude.. he's not very bright
JHmiraclebeam: seriously
JHmiraclebeam: these gay guys on myspace keep asking me to be their friend
JHmiraclebeam: it was funny at first
JHmiraclebeam: fucking eric
BSH84: hahaha
JHmiraclebeam: hes telling his friends to do it huh
BSH84: why are they asking you know?
suzhill33: eric's gay?
BSH84: now^
JHmiraclebeam: yeah
JHmiraclebeam: i mean
JHmiraclebeam: i dont know
BSH84: damn its 3:30 already
suzhill33: these dudes on myspace AND friendster keep msging me for 3 ways
BSH84: hahahhahhaa
suzhill33: one dude said his 180 lb latin gf likes petite little asian girls
suzhill33: hellllll nah
BSH84: well i keep getting 15-17 year olds who want to be my friend and for me to share beer with them
suzhill33: haha
suzhill33: wicked smaht
BSH84: win this arguement
BSH84: more like wicked retawded
suzhill33: hahah AND he said "we're safe most of the time"
suzhill33: winnar
BSH84: and you told him its all the time or none of time with you right?
suzhill33: yeah i totally responded
suzhill33: they're also from the A - L - H
BSH84: there goes all of a-l-h's cool cred
suzhill33: for shame
BSH84: susan have you seen the he-man/she-ra christmas special yet? if not i do highly recommend it
suzhill33: no way
suzhill33: where have i been?
BSH84: i think it came out last week
BSH84: he man is way flaming
JHmiraclebeam: you didnt tell me this
BSH84: er adam
BSH84: i told you i watched it
JHmiraclebeam: its on dvd?
BSH84: yes
JHmiraclebeam: i thought you saw it on tv
JHmiraclebeam: along with leprechaun in hood
BSH84: nope, someone bought it
JHmiraclebeam: thats awesome
BSH84: we just rented leprechaun in the hood
JHmiraclebeam: susan
suzhill33: hahahhaha
suzhill33: wha?
JHmiraclebeam: would you like some free porn
BSH84: there are a few lines that adam/he man says that i'm just
JHmiraclebeam: like y2khai?
BSH84: can share the free porn with your myspace friends
BSH84: girlies drive by i'm like wow
suzhill33: oh yes please
suzhill33: y2khai?
suzhill33: that's porn>
suzhill33: ?
suzhill33: hahhaha
suzhill33: ok so what's leprechaun in the hood
JHmiraclebeam: no
JHmiraclebeam: i have porn from my boss
JHmiraclebeam: the chicks look soo hot
suzhill33: is it hardcore?
suzhill33: cuz thats the only kind i watch
JHmiraclebeam: team cream....yeah!
BSH84: hhahahahahhahah
JHmiraclebeam: over 4 hours!
suzhill33: nasttyyyy
suzhill33: ok share
BSH84: that just sounds bad
JHmiraclebeam: i know
JHmiraclebeam: how can you suck dick for 4 hours
BSH84: did you view it yet?
BSH84: or has wally?
suzhill33: ew
JHmiraclebeam: im usually tired after 2
suzhill33: um ew
JHmiraclebeam: nope
BSH84: wow
JHmiraclebeam: thats the difference between me and walls
BSH84: and tai is back with mom now
JHmiraclebeam: i have a stack but its still packaged
suzhill33: haha
JHmiraclebeam: wally...not so much
suzhill33: and you get them from your boss?
JHmiraclebeam: yeah
JHmiraclebeam: he makes adult toys
BSH84: i don't think tom has porn, but i'll ask
JHmiraclebeam: any requests?
JHmiraclebeam: pocket rocket
suzhill33: no way
JHmiraclebeam: sex swing
suzhill33: rabbit
JHmiraclebeam: black dildo
suzhill33: wow
JHmiraclebeam: or i ocoould email him
BSH84: i have viewed the topco website...their products are top of the line susan
suzhill33: but i would be your anonymous friend right
BSH84: you know you get quality when you go topco
suzhill33: wait seriously you work for topco?
suzhill33: i'm confused
JHmiraclebeam: NO
JHmiraclebeam: i dont
JHmiraclebeam: but he owns our company
suzhill33: mm hmm
suzhill33: i want tito chihuahua taco holder for xmas
BSH84: yeah tim sent that to me as well
BSH84: i still don't want one
suzhill33: hahaha it's adorable
JHmiraclebeam: what?
suzhill33: quite the stocking stuffer
suzhill33: let's get beer tonight
JHmiraclebeam: sure
BSH84: but the problem would be i would put my tacos in it, and then not want to touch them cause they look so cool
JHmiraclebeam: after our game?
BSH84: no john before our game
JHmiraclebeam: thats why you make extras douche
BSH84: our game won't end til 11
JHmiraclebeam: even better
BSH84: i'm supposed to dust off my rice and beans jersey tonight too
BSH84: drink at 8 tonight, get drunk be sober to play at 10
BSH84: works for everyone
suzhill33: youre playing at 10??
BSH84: yes...fricking so damn late
JHmiraclebeam: so you're gonna be there right susan?
suzhill33: where?
suzhill33: ithought you guys were done
suzhill33: boooo
BSH84: no we came back
BSH84: but not the same team
suzhill33: ok so 10 at barnes?
BSH84: yep
suzhill33: holy fricken majolies
JHmiraclebeam: cause steph is going to be there too
suzhill33: ok
BSH84: yeah..thats what i'm saying
BSH84: hahahaah
JHmiraclebeam: she hasnt missed a game yet
suzhill33: steph who?
BSH84: just like last time
suzhill33: hah? i'm confused
JHmiraclebeam: exactly
suzhill33: hahah what?
suzhill33: i dont get it
JHmiraclebeam: steph says shes gonna go every week
JHmiraclebeam: she never does
JHmiraclebeam: jsut liek you....
JHmiraclebeam: flake
JHmiraclebeam: yes
JHmiraclebeam: time for christmas music
BSH84: are you turning on kost?
suzhill33: if youre tryign to make me feel guilty...
suzhill33: it's not really working
JHmiraclebeam: no
suzhill33: kost keeps playin the same xmas songs
JHmiraclebeam: my own downloaded shit
JHmiraclebeam: whats more gay
JHmiraclebeam: listiening to mariah, britney, or wham's christmas songs
suzhill33: i love wham
BSH84: hahahahaah......they are all equal in my mind
BSH84: no let me go back to the smooth sounds of k-fe
BSH84: k-fed
JHmiraclebeam: are you ready for k-fed though
BSH84: well like the most of us i won't truly be ready til 2008
JHmiraclebeam: plenty of time to get ready
JHmiraclebeam: mariah time!
JHmiraclebeam: hey
BSH84: what?
JHmiraclebeam: since both of you guys are on
JHmiraclebeam: do you guys want to switch games?
JHmiraclebeam: cause sussan is supposedly 'grant hill' fan and hes coming back wednesday
BSH84: so who would i get to see? please tell me toronto
JHmiraclebeam: sac
JHmiraclebeam: on the 27th?
BSH84: i don't want to see your sac
JHmiraclebeam: like you havent before
BSH84: haha...thats a tuesday right?
JHmiraclebeam: well if susan were online and stopped pretending she were working
BSH84: i'm okay with it, but if she doesn't respond in 60 secs, then the deal is null and void
BSH84: except of course in tenn.
JHmiraclebeam: thats a given
JHmiraclebeam: cause i know how big an orlando magic fan you are
BSH84: well i love shaq and penny what can i say
JHmiraclebeam: dont forget nick and dennis
JHmiraclebeam: and ho grant
BSH84: dennis scott, scott stiles, there are so many
BSH84: exactly
BSH84: i think susan has like 20 secs
suzhill33: wait!
suzhill33: i feel bad
suzhill33: it's ok.. brad can go to the orlando game
BSH84: haha...its okay susan
BSH84: haha...its okay susan
BSH84: stupid aim
BSH84: haha...its okay susan
BSH84: i'm not being a wally
BSH84: i got booted off there
BSH84: can you read this?
suzhill33: no seriously
suzhill33: i'd be happy with either one
BSH84: no seriously i don't care what game i go too
BSH84: you have your man
BSH84: i really don't care about orlando
suzhill33: *fiew* ok.. cuz i was just kinda throwin that out there just to seem gracious
BSH84: i wanted miami or cleveland but john was being a bitch about those
suzhill33: haha
BSH84: hahaha
suzhill33: are you sure? you can say no biatch
suzhill33: i mean "no biatch"
BSH84: haha...go to him susan....go to grant
suzhill33: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
JHmiraclebeam: bithc
JHmiraclebeam: i didnt even get cleveland
JHmiraclebeam: so did we straighten everythingout
suzhill33: so jan 10?
JHmiraclebeam: yes
BSH84: yes all contracts have been signed
JHmiraclebeam: and brad
JHmiraclebeam: dec. 27th
suzhill33: deal
JHmiraclebeam: oh wait
JHmiraclebeam: susan
suzhill33: uh oh
suzhill33: what
JHmiraclebeam: this deal is also contigent on you cheering for the cliippers and grant only
suzhill33: 'afahgaj'dfkasdjf'a
JHmiraclebeam: oh....i guess brad you're going to both games
suzhill33: gja;@#!!@!@!@$#^#$!!
JHmiraclebeam: and only jen can talk to me that way
BSH84: hahaa
JHmiraclebeam: well susan....
BSH84: i get to cheer for francisco garcia and the clippers susan
JHmiraclebeam: yay or nay
suzhill33: FINE! ok i'll cheer for the clippers and grant
BSH84: hahaha
suzhill33: now do we have a deal??
JHmiraclebeam: women...fold so easily
JHmiraclebeam: yes
suzhill33: you're lucky grant's a hot piece of meat!
JHmiraclebeam: as hot as kirk
JHmiraclebeam: hes dreamy
suzhill33: yeah but kirk's not black
BSH84: kirk cameron?
suzhill33: he definitely aint a brotha
suzhill33: thx for the trade brad. and thx for letting me tag along john.
suzhill33: see? i can be nice.
suzhill33: even while sober
JHmiraclebeam: we never said anything
suzhill33: cept that i'm cool
JHmiraclebeam: also, i get to blog about you too
suzhill33: nooooooo
suzhill33: i told you i'm keeping my mouth shut
BSH84: haha...blogs come with the games
suzhill33: vicious
BSH84: who thinks i should approve an agreement for WIC nutrition programs?
JHmiraclebeam: i've been pretty nice to my guests
JHmiraclebeam: in regards to my reviews
JHmiraclebeam: did you read my last entry
JHmiraclebeam: fuck WIC
suzhill33: what'
suzhill33: is wic
JHmiraclebeam: they give free formula and milk and shit to women with children
JHmiraclebeam: its bullshit
BSH84: Women Infants and Children, or women in crisis, or whore in custody
JHmiraclebeam: anyone can get it
BSH84: no you have to have need to get it
JHmiraclebeam: i think its the last one
JHmiraclebeam: no....
JHmiraclebeam: no
JHmiraclebeam: its not based on your income
JHmiraclebeam: its so fucking gay
BSH84: yes it is
BSH84: i'm reading the contract
BSH84: and i quote
BSH84: "the wic program provides nutrition education and counseling to qualifying women, infants and young children who are found to be nutritionally at risk"
BSH84: key word qualifying
BSH84: i mean i don't think they would let a gajillionaire like yourself onto the program
JHmiraclebeam: or just mexican and fob families that abuse the system
JHmiraclebeam: im sorry
JHmiraclebeam: i miss tookie
suzhill33: SO not pc
BSH84: you need a time out john
BSH84: i'm always pc, which reminds me why did hitler really commit suicide?
JHmiraclebeam: for the tookie comment or my racial comment
JHmiraclebeam: he was soo misunderstood
suzhill33: both
BSH84: nope, he got his gas bill
BSH84: i miss tookie too
suzhill33: SO not pc
BSH84: even if he was the tookie monster
JHmiraclebeam: tookie monster!
suzhill33: i think i need a timeout too
suzhill33: i chuckled at the joke
suzhill33: guilty!
JHmiraclebeam: oh....
JHmiraclebeam: breaking news....
suzhill33: i'm sick of all this tookie talk
BSH84: whats the news?
JHmiraclebeam: bush thinks the iraqi intell was faulty?
JHmiraclebeam: why cant we elect him for a third term
BSH84: term limits john....term limits....unless you want to overthrow the constitution, which of course only you can
BSH84: and thats not news anyway...the real news is that tom cruise is lecturing on healing
BSH84: and i don't have tix
JHmiraclebeam: what??????!!!!!!!!
JHmiraclebeam: where?
JHmiraclebeam: and when
JHmiraclebeam: we are sooooo there
JHmiraclebeam: hey susan
JHmiraclebeam: are you going ot dc with us in april
suzhill33: hooooollllyyyy jeebus
suzhill33: sorry... i'm watching that video on the haitian girl with the 16 pound tumor
JHmiraclebeam: we're going ot the nats game, cavs and wiz game, and gonna see tai for 3 straight days
suzhill33: i thikn i'm gonna puke
JHmiraclebeam: im a a a tumor
suzhill33: oh i see.. another boys trip eh?
BSH84: yeah i saw the tumor girl
BSH84: thats really really really massive
BSH84: luckily its no where that anyone can see it....just her face
suzhill33: yeah poor thing
BSH84: as for tom, the superficial doesn't say where the event is
JHmiraclebeam: are you serious>
JHmiraclebeam: on her face?
BSH84: you want to see a picture?
suzhill33: brace yourself
JHmiraclebeam: im sure i can find it
JHmiraclebeam: but save me the trouble
BSH84: it was on yahoo
BSH84: i don't see it there now
BSH84: but i'm sure you can find it
suzhill33: cnn's got it
suzhill33: u can watch the video
JHmiraclebeam: fuck
JHmiraclebeam: i cant find it
JHmiraclebeam: well
suzhill33: is it sexual harassment if your boss asks you if he can have a sip of your coffee?
JHmiraclebeam: i see the articles
JHmiraclebeam: no pictures though
BSH84: i say yes it sue his pants off
BSH84: hmm but now thats sexual one can win
suzhill33: jyes.. quite the conundrum
JHmiraclebeam: wtf!!!!!
JHmiraclebeam: where is her nose
JHmiraclebeam: hence the assistance with the breathing
JHmiraclebeam: got it
BSH84: are quick
JHmiraclebeam: uh
JHmiraclebeam: after the tumor got to 8 lbs.
JHmiraclebeam: maybe it would be time for you to look for help
JHmiraclebeam: call me crazy
BSH84: on my last agenda item...aren't you guys proud of me that i was able to continue to work?
BSH84: i think at 1lb it would be noticalbe
JHmiraclebeam: no
JHmiraclebeam: i couldnt tell
JHmiraclebeam: 8
JHmiraclebeam: 8 is the magic number
BSH84: no 26 is the magic number
suzhill33: no 33 is
suzhill33: alrighties... gonna finish up my work. i'm having a hard time multi tasking.. think it's because i've been on an aim hiatus for almost a week
suzhill33: tootles land of gaydom
BSH84: hasta
JHmiraclebeam: see you tonight
suzhill33: YUP!
suzhill33: see you's
suzhill33 has left the room.
BSH84: so did you want to post this or me?
JHmiraclebeam: uh...
BSH84: uh..i'm like uh what.....
BSH84: she said i'm so afraid to tell you cause of what you might do
BSH84: i said i'm gonna stand up
BSH84: she said you know my friend tina?
BSH84: i said it sound familiar i'll probably know her if i see her
JHmiraclebeam: what the fuck?
BSH84: thanks r. kelly
BSH84: i said you know my friend roxanne?
BSH84: i said who the hell is roxanne?
JHmiraclebeam: i hate you
BSH84: roxanne's a friend of mine who knows this guy name chuck
JHmiraclebeam: chuck?
BSH84: chucks cool with this guy name rufus, now i'm sitting here like what the fuck
JHmiraclebeam: does he know some guy named rufus
BSH84: rufus's wife kathy, we both went to high school...she introduced me to the policeman who stopped youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
BSH84: and there you go...the end of chapter 5
JHmiraclebeam: thanks guy from vh-1
BSH84: i'm not as cool as him
JHmiraclebeam: yeah
JHmiraclebeam: you couldnt keep a straight face
BSH84: yeah i was laughing too hard
JHmiraclebeam: man
JHmiraclebeam: this si going to be soo good
BSH84: this post?
JHmiraclebeam: hell yeah
BSH84: you are posting it i take it?
JHmiraclebeam: no
JHmiraclebeam: you
JHmiraclebeam: frickin susan got tickets
BSH84: what the deuce!?!!?!
BSH84: how
JHmiraclebeam: she said patrick got it
JHmiraclebeam: that bastard!
BSH84: just cause she went there doesn't mean that she is a bigger fan than us
JHmiraclebeam: where are our connections
JHmiraclebeam: westside
BSH84: can't patrick get more
BSH84: he probably isn't even trying
BSH84: haha
BSH84: you have jen...use her
BSH84: and not in your normal way
JHmiraclebeam: hahhaah
JHmiraclebeam: i cant get tickets that way?
BSH84: hmm you can try
BSH84: but not sure
JHmiraclebeam: tell her thats the only way for tickeets
JHmiraclebeam: and she wants me to be happy right
BSH84: tell her to donate one of her gold bricks to the school
BSH84: i tried to tell he to get you tix for christmas
BSH84: her^
JHmiraclebeam: haha
JHmiraclebeam: and?
BSH84: not so much
BSH84: she more or less laughed
BSH84: hmm tix for 864 a piece...thats relatively cheap
JHmiraclebeam: that actually is
BSH84: with the number of tix for sale, at some point they will have to come down right?
BSH84: cause they all aren't going i mean market forces taught me that much in econ
JHmiraclebeam: well brad
JHmiraclebeam: its based on supply and demand
JHmiraclebeam: eventually the demand for tix will die down due to the price
JHmiraclebeam: or if they print more tickets
BSH84: exactly
BSH84: thats not happening
JHmiraclebeam: so tv it is?
BSH84: yeah..which bar works for you?
BSH84: nationals was good last year
BSH84: oh well we will discuss this more tomorrow
BSH84: i'm out...lates

ahhh do you feel the magic?


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