Friday, October 21, 2005

so i guess this will be my first post. i would like to thank brad for taking time out on this busy friday to create this wonderful blogger page. i really don't know why brad created this, but i do know this......we're fucking stupid!

so here is one of the convo's i actually saved......enjoy!

john and brad's morning conversation....october 12, 2005

brad: I think you should make an mp3 of you doing a kroq sports report and enter it to them. They are looking and even though you aren't a midget I think its something you could do...well you or a monkey, but monkeys are more interested in pooping than sports.

john: I say we both try and see how we both do. Do you think it would help if I had a sidekick monkey. I mean if vic the brick can do it, im sure a monkey could do it.

brad: hmm that sounds like a challenge...i wonder if i could call in and do sports everday, or leave for the morning, no one would notice anyway. if joe grande can have his own sports show, i'll have my own sports staion shortly

john: Oh...for sure, we both get our own shows. So now that they got rid of big joe, are they going to get rid of ireland and mason or extend them so we get to listen to them for 7 hours? Think about the great conversation we would get. Im getting giddy just thinking about it......

brad: yeah i just read about big joe leaving, douchebag and douchebag (mason and ireland) will now be on from 3-6, and they are so good i think they'll get lifetime contracts so they have a nice 1-3 opening, i think i'm gonna apply.

john: You should and I hope you get it. that way I can keep calling in and pretending im a fob, well I am, but with an accent and complain about not getting any help from the city of orange about my neighbors fuckin dog. Sound good......

brad: not cool bitch i'll kill the next person's dog who calls in about that...well actually more them, their dog is innocent.

allen iverson says that the proposed nba dress code would be bad towards children because they would think if they don't have a suit their teacher isn't going to respect them, marcus camby suggests the nba give each player a stipend to buy clothes (he only gets 7.5 million). why are nba players so cool? no word from laterell who would need money to feed his family, buy clothes for his family, and now clothes for himself!!!! oh the humanity.

john: I LOVE BLACK PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

brad: i like to consider myself mr. black people, but i still don't get this one.

john: My comment or the thinking of the players. If you're talking about the players.......come on get with it man. What is there not to get?

brad: i'm sorry i'm reading through these contracts and stuff and i guess my mind is going crazy...i thought suits cost a few hundred and if you make a few million you could probably afford these yourself, and i guess looking nice is not a good thing......sorry i got it now.

john: You just assume things and judge people. You have to look at things through their eyes. Come on brad...your parents raised you better than that.

brad: well my parents raised me to respect decisions and understand the value of making a paycheck.....but i guess they were wrong, and if they're wrong about that, then i think they're wrong about everything, drugs, strippers, working, school.....all wrong!

john: have to understand. We live in a different age. You forgot about gambling by the way. As I was saying....drugs, gambling, and strippers are acceptable in our society. We should embrace them with open arms and not judge. So meet at my house after work and we'll go to morongo and stop by the nudie bar for some boobies and crack. Sound good?

brad: now you're just being stupid john, everyone knows that if you are doing drugs in the IE you are doing Meth, its the drug of choice. and sorry for forgetting gambling i can't believe i forgot about that one. gambling, boobies, and meth are like tennis, golf and the cbs nightly news for other generations i guess. i somehow need to be a more foreward thinker

john: Okay....i think im gonna stop here. I don't think I can continue this. Sign on already yeah?

brad: i'll sign on in a bit i gotta at least get through most of my agenda today, oh crap what am i talking about i don't work i forgot....don't worry i'll be on in a bit.....and i think we could have continued this conversation it was riveting.

john: Yes…this is what we do at work. Hahaha

part deux....monday!


Blogger Mac the Knife said...

i want to gouge my eyes out now, like sam neal in event horizon. go to work Brad

5:22 PM  

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