Friday, October 21, 2005

Brad and John’s cool conversations August 30, 2005
BSH84: what did the dodgers send you?
JHmiraclebeam: ticket offres and newsletters
JHmiraclebeam: its weird
JHmiraclebeam: they need to get a new marketing team
BSH84: the buy one get one free deal? or the pleading to please buy tix even though we suck tix request?
BSH84: whats wrong with our marketing team?
JHmiraclebeam: their headlines are peculiar
BSH84: are the headlines about the playoff hunt?
JHmiraclebeam: "come see our racist kkk leader and our crazy center fielder go at it in the dugout"
JHmiraclebeam: "watch the crappiest division make a run for the playoffs!:
BSH84: hahaha....i see your point i would have gone with black panter-esque centerfielder
BSH84: panther^
JHmiraclebeam: ahhh....yes
BSH84: i'm calling the n.l west winner will bea the cardinals
JHmiraclebeam: haah
BSH84: nl wild card will win the nl again this year
JHmiraclebeam: ah....are the cardinals the new indy colts of the mlb
BSH84: all offense, fun to watch, but can't get over the last hurdle....i think so
BSH84: who is their brady?
JHmiraclebeam: hmmmm....they havent found that one yet
BSH84: i think its larussa, he seems to beat them a lot
JHmiraclebeam: haha
JHmiraclebeam: yes
JHmiraclebeam: yes he does
JHmiraclebeam: he doesnt deserve all the credit he gets
JHmiraclebeam: look it all the teams he had
JHmiraclebeam: they could manage themselves
BSH84: and how many championships does he have again?
JHmiraclebeam: uh...numerous
JHmiraclebeam: i cant count them all
BSH84: good
JHmiraclebeam: man
JHmiraclebeam: you missed out on a full day of work yesterday
JHmiraclebeam: the a's did good for me
JHmiraclebeam: i talked ot joe's girl on aim
JHmiraclebeam: i feel like a really old perv, but it was fun
JHmiraclebeam: hahah
BSH84: haha...joe says she is a bitch, your opinion?
BSH84: ooh can i talk to her today too...haha
JHmiraclebeam: at first when we met her on sunday she was
JHmiraclebeam: but talking to her on aim, shes cool
JHmiraclebeam: so ill give her the benefit of the doubt
JHmiraclebeam: is that right?
JHmiraclebeam: it just sounds funny
BSH84: yeah thats right
BSH84: did you start the convo with the basic: a/s/l?
JHmiraclebeam: and cliches are stupidJHmiraclebeam: noJHmiraclebeam: wa
JHmiraclebeam: y
JHmiraclebeam: i asked her if she likes it in the ass
JHmiraclebeam: dry or with lube
BSH84: thats much more appropriate
BSH84: she said dry right?
JHmiraclebeam: she said try
JHmiraclebeam: dry
BSH84: thats why you kept taking to her
JHmiraclebeam: bud dry
JHmiraclebeam: of course
JHmiraclebeam: shes a trooper
BSH84: a storm trooper?!?!!!!?!
JHmiraclebeam: no
JHmiraclebeam: a koopa troopa
JHmiraclebeam: i swear
JHmiraclebeam: we're fucking stupid
BSH84: yeah i know
BSH84: did you tell that girl to msg your brother at least cause it would make his year?
JHmiraclebeam: should we print out a days convo and give it to a psychiatrist and ask him/her to psycho-analyze it?
JHmiraclebeam: im gettting ot it
JHmiraclebeam: didnt want to freak her out
JHmiraclebeam: befriend her first
BSH84: i think the psychiatrist would come back with either "monkeys wrote this" or "i'm reading the ramblings of retards"
JHmiraclebeam: then break into her house and steal her underwear
BSH84: you have it all planned out
JHmiraclebeam: or "these monkeys are rambling like retards
JHmiraclebeam: "
BSH84: oooh retarded monkeys...theres somethign!
JHmiraclebeam: yes
JHmiraclebeam: listening to hall and oates
JHmiraclebeam: you?
BSH84: dan patrick show
BSH84: i forgot my ipod, so nothing to listen too today
JHmiraclebeam: weak
JHmiraclebeam: is he back
JHmiraclebeam: any good picks from mr. dp
JHmiraclebeam: or tidbits
BSH84: his show is just starting, yesterday he was asking should we criticize shanahan for taking clarrett or commend him for admitting he made a mistake
JHmiraclebeam: i say both
BSH84: i agree
JHmiraclebeam: commend him for being a fucking moron that realized his mistake
BSH84: but on the plus side i think i can win my clarrett jersey i'm bidding for on ebay for a dollar
JHmiraclebeam: hahha
JHmiraclebeam: sweet
JHmiraclebeam: get it
JHmiraclebeam: you have to
BSH84: hmm whats the max i would pay for this collector item?
JHmiraclebeam: i think he needs to admit he made a mistake for leaving the raiders
JHmiraclebeam: we'll both get it
JHmiraclebeam: ill wear it to the sd game if we go
BSH84: no, the raiders made him leave, you know he wanted to stay
BSH84: haha...sweet, i'll pay whatever for it now!
JHmiraclebeam: whaaa?????
JHmiraclebeam: the raiders made him leave
JHmiraclebeam: but they justly compensated him right
BSH84: man i thought the auction ended tomorrow, its in 5 days, week
BSH84: oh yeah they paid him his salary and then some
JHmiraclebeam: thats the al davis i know
BSH84: he is a great guy
BSH84: not like that jerk cuban
BSH84: neat, did you know that the cops had to come out to milton bradley's house 3 times on domestic violence calls.....this summer alone?JHmiraclebeam: wtf
JHmiraclebeam: did you know my boss is a fat fucking idiot
BSH84: nope, never heard that before, i think you are lying, you always say how much you love and respect your coworkers, especially your boss
JHmiraclebeam: yup
JHmiraclebeam: totally new to me too
JHmiraclebeam: just realized today
BSH84: i think its just a phase, you'll get over it shortly
JHmiraclebeam: yeah
JHmiraclebeam: probably
BSH84: over it now? great!
JHmiraclebeam: yeah
JHmiraclebeam: totally
JHmiraclebeam: if something bad happens
BSH84: so take a wild guess on the 3 occasions the cops came to bradley's what happend
JHmiraclebeam: the leader or boss is the one that is supposed to remain cool
JHmiraclebeam: keep us composed
JHmiraclebeam: no...he gets a crazy and shit
JHmiraclebeam: maybe im crazy
JHmiraclebeam: yeah...thats it
BSH84: just go slap him in the face and say snap out of it
JHmiraclebeam: i just dont know
JHmiraclebeam: haha
JHmiraclebeam: hmmm...slap or punch
JHmiraclebeam: i will do either
BSH84: or the old kick to the balls, that works tooJHmiraclebeam: hmmm....
JHmiraclebeam: ill save that one
BSH84: ooh the orange county register is saying the angels should ditch the monkey
JHmiraclebeam: who?
JHmiraclebeam: bartolo or rally
BSH84: rally
BSH84: dan patrick took his 13 year old to hooters last night for the first time
JHmiraclebeam: haha
JHmiraclebeam: sweet
BSH84: do i want to go to on a groundwater adventure tour next thurs?
JHmiraclebeam: huh
JHmiraclebeam: where
BSH84: the tour includes: the water purification plant, the recharge facilities in anaheim and prado dam, i'll also get to replant an endangered spicies!!!!?!?!!JHmiraclebeam: wow
JHmiraclebeam: all for a low price of.......
BSH84: free
BSH84: with breakfast and lunch
JHmiraclebeam: ohh...JHmiraclebeam: count me in
BSH84: okay call lisa sanchez, tell her you are dirty and that you want to go
JHmiraclebeam: sounds good
JHmiraclebeam: fuck i hate this place
JHmiraclebeam: should of listened to adam sandler and stayed in school as long as possible
BSH84: only if you are a big fat kid that he can smoosh your face
BSH84: just quit today, then you and jay could have the same schedule...and well basically i could too, cause no one would notice
JHmiraclebeam: hahha
JHmiraclebeam: just gamble professionally right
JHmiraclebeam: you feeling garland today
BSH84: yes, make it your full time job to research and gamble
BSH84: no i'm not feeling anyone on the whitesox
BSH84: plus the rangers are stealing signs
JHmiraclebeam: the movieJHmiraclebeam: it wasnt that goodBSH84: which movie?JHmiraclebeam: signs
JHmiraclebeam: couldnt they jsut buy it
JHmiraclebeam: they're rich
JHmiraclebeam: yeah
JHmiraclebeam: im gonna keep going with this shitty joke
JHmiraclebeam: not even a joke
JHmiraclebeam: comement
JHmiraclebeam: fuck youy
JHmiraclebeam: dont judge me bithc
JHmiraclebeam: i hate
JHmiraclebeam: you
JHmiraclebeam: brb
BSH84: haha...okay, onto the simmons email page
JHmiraclebeam: cant open it
BSH84: damn
JHmiraclebeam: manual labor
JHmiraclebeam: its fantastic
JHmiraclebeam: now if it were emmanuelle labor
JHmiraclebeam: i wouldnt complain
BSH84: then i would work there
BSH84: 5 biggest egos for nfl coaches
JHmiraclebeam: not shannahan
JHmiraclebeam: billick
JHmiraclebeam: or vermeil
BSH84: they finally named billick, took forever to get to him
BSH84: shanahan too....i know shocking
JHmiraclebeam: parcell
JHmiraclebeam: maybe
JHmiraclebeam: nawwww
JHmiraclebeam: im crazy
BSH84: you bite your lip boy!
BSH84: you are missing an obvious one for you
JHmiraclebeam: martz that muther fucker
JHmiraclebeam: am i off
JHmiraclebeam: or gruden
BSH84: no its martz....the difference between parcells/shanny/holgren and martz is that the first 3 dont' let their ego affect their coaching as much as martz
JHmiraclebeam: yup
BSH84: but luckily martz ego is as big and good as his coaching abilities so ther rams still win
JHmiraclebeam: holgren isnt that bad though
BSH84: off the field they say he is
JHmiraclebeam: hes big and has a bushy mustache
JHmiraclebeam: you cant hate him
BSH84: thats true, unless he cost you money right?
JHmiraclebeam: of course
JHmiraclebeam: so i do hate him
JHmiraclebeam: vermeil seems cool
JHmiraclebeam: but attentino whore
BSH84: i wasn't sure if he had or not, yeah vermeil cries, so no ego
BSH84: did martymcfly have an ego?
JHmiraclebeam: he didnt have a brain
JHmiraclebeam: so i dont think so
BSH84: oh okay that makes more sense
BSH84: i was telling my brother about bradley and he thought i was talking about myself in the third person
JHmiraclebeam: haha
JHmiraclebeam: is it sept. 8th yet
BSH84: not that you circled every calendar right?
BSH84: i even have it marked for you
JHmiraclebeam: haha
JHmiraclebeam: thanks
BSH84: hmm think i can stil still long enough that my sensor turns the light off, finished lunch and don't want to start working yet
JHmiraclebeam: i think you can
JHmiraclebeam: try it
BSH84: okay here we go........
JHmiraclebeam: lets go bradley blaine
JHmiraclebeam: if you do it, i think you get josie moran
BSH84: i had to move, damn it
JHmiraclebeam: I am away from my computer right now.
BSH84: who is josie moran?
JHmiraclebeam: what?
JHmiraclebeam: you're kidding me right
JHmiraclebeam: shes so pretty
BSH84: brain freeze, my bad
BSH84: i thought you mean rick moranis
JHmiraclebeam: look her up
JHmiraclebeam: ahhh......
JHmiraclebeam: i do confuse the two
BSH84: i bet they get it a lot
JHmiraclebeam: since you are asian
BSH84: i sent that to joe
JHmiraclebeam: oh
JHmiraclebeam: my bad
JHmiraclebeam: then....are you gonna do it
BSH84: they denied me cause i'm white
BSH84: i'm suing
JHmiraclebeam: thats bullshit
BSH84: everyone is out to get whitey
JHmiraclebeam: i can prove you're part asian
BSH84: which part?
JHmiraclebeam: your abitlity to make a tv out of matches
BSH84: can't mcguver do that too?
JHmiraclebeam: no
JHmiraclebeam: he's not asain
BSH84: what about data from goonies
JHmiraclebeam: maybe
JHmiraclebeam: i say the best chance would be the armo from johnney five
JHmiraclebeam: short circuit
JHmiraclebeam: although i think hes jewish
BSH84: no he is dominican...when he played baseball he was pedro guererrooooooo
JHmiraclebeam: stephen fischer
JHmiraclebeam: is that his stage name
BSH84: it must be
BSH84: are you taking penny or prior?
BSH84: bradley or guillen?
JHmiraclebeam: over
JHmiraclebeam: and bradley
JHmiraclebeam: cant bet against the black guy
BSH84: blacks beat dommicans?
BSH84: over? what is the line?
JHmiraclebeam: 7.5
BSH84: yeah i'd go over too
BSH84: i'd put jays life on it today
JHmiraclebeam: or did the dodger use up all the runs yestereday
BSH84: we will get a few, and penny will give up at least 2 hrs
BSH84: yes!!! being put on hold for *waiting time, over 10 minutes* with child support
JHmiraclebeam: you have a child
JHmiraclebeam: brad.....
JHmiraclebeam: condoms break
BSH84: yeah, and the bitch won't pay me my montly money
JHmiraclebeam: deal with it?
BSH84: yeah thats what i told her
BSH84: i have the crappy old phone with no speaker phone either, so i have to hold the phone up
JHmiraclebeam: hahhaa
JHmiraclebeam: sweet
JHmiraclebeam: now i know why lasorda traded konerko
JHmiraclebeam: he sucks
BSH84: is bartolo really the leading candidate for cy young?
BSH84: cause konkerko is no jeff shaw, duh
JHmiraclebeam: or delino?
JHmiraclebeam: hey
JHmiraclebeam: when does mac come back
BSH84: yeah i was wondering i have no idea
BSH84: what time is our game tomorrow?
JHmiraclebeam: 730
BSH84: sweet, did francis sign the whole team back to long term deals?
JHmiraclebeam: i dont know
JHmiraclebeam: some are being signed to 1 year contracts
JHmiraclebeam: we're in arbitration still
JHmiraclebeam: sweet
JHmiraclebeam: gotta love mark tex.
JHmiraclebeam: that fucker
BSH84: hmm thats a good point, if i don't get a long term deal after this year though, i'm holding out
BSH84: tex is okay, i think the rangers should trade him for edwin jackson, straight up
JHmiraclebeam: really
JHmiraclebeam: you dont hee sop or phillips
BSH84: sure why not
BSH84: and carrera, and sanez, and robles
BSH84: its a real steal
BSH84: throw in brazobad too
JHmiraclebeam: no
JHmiraclebeam: thats for the trade with arizona
JHmiraclebeam: oh
JHmiraclebeam: its a pitchers duel already
BSH84: i noticed
BSH84: are you sad peerless got dropped?
JHmiraclebeam: the price is wrong bitch
BSH84: apparently so, can he go back to buf now?
BSH84: i say philly
JHmiraclebeam: hmm
JHmiraclebeam: that would make sense
JHmiraclebeam: and freddie will go bakc there too right
BSH84: we can all only hope
BSH84: are you getting the nfl package with the option to watch all 8 games on the screen at the same time?
JHmiraclebeam: uh
JHmiraclebeam: i dont have directv
JHmiraclebeam: no lingerie bowl this year
JHmiraclebeam: again
BSH84: are they holding out too? there just isn't any loyalty in today's game
BSH84: spiderbabe was on last night
JHmiraclebeam: no
JHmiraclebeam: i mean
BSH84: its so awesome
JHmiraclebeam: i dont get it
JHmiraclebeam: tape it for me bitch
BSH84: hahaha....i don't follow its scheudle i just saw it was on
JHmiraclebeam: fucking excuses
JHmiraclebeam: hold out
JHmiraclebeam: selfish
JHmiraclebeam: only keep it to yourself
BSH84: okay i'll check for its schedule
BSH84: if they put it back on in demand it won't be a problem
JHmiraclebeam: thats all i ask
JHmiraclebeam: a little effort
JHmiraclebeam: shit
BSH84: better future tim couch or maurice clarrett
JHmiraclebeam: couch
BSH84: neither will play again, so i say push
BSH84: damn i forgot to put on a belt today, i feel like a douche
JHmiraclebeam: haha
JHmiraclebeam: feel or you are
JHmiraclebeam: damn geoff blum
JHmiraclebeam: anytime you spell jeff like that, you're a douche
JHmiraclebeam: of course if yoiu bet you're a douche too
BSH84: douches all around today i guess
BSH84: they don't want to play football games in miss or lousisana cause they don't have electricity...isn't this the south? when did they get electricity
BSH84: they just showed the french quarter, i hope the gold club is okay
JHmiraclebeam: i should email her huh
BSH84: yes
BSH84: i swear my old coworker never threw anything out
BSH84: i'm going through stuff from 02 now
BSH84: pat o'briens is franchising itself, i say we open one in LA
JHmiraclebeam: if we get one
JHmiraclebeam: do we get to talk dirty to the customers
BSH84: of course
BSH84: but only on the phone
BSH84: chapter 6 thus far is not entertaining
JHmiraclebeam: for r kelly
JHmiraclebeam: bob sagets at the improv this weekend
BSH84: i like him at rehab more
JHmiraclebeam: just cause you'll take adv. of him
JHmiraclebeam: i really hate geoff blum
BSH84: hey if he wants coke he knows how to get it
BSH84: teixeria is doing okay today
BSH84: nose bleeds suck
JHmiraclebeam: eh
BSH84: its only the 5th?!?
JHmiraclebeam: yup
JHmiraclebeam: i thought it was the tiger indians game for a moment
BSH84: didn't they stop scoring after the 5th though?
JHmiraclebeam: yeah
JHmiraclebeam: maybe i should have taken the over
JHmiraclebeam: nah...tooo easy
BSH84: so take the under for game 2?
JHmiraclebeam: not touching that one
JHmiraclebeam: liberty or fever
BSH84: fever, cause they're hot!
JHmiraclebeam: f you
JHmiraclebeam: thanks for the crap
BSH84: haha...yeah its bad
BSH84: the live part is extra stupid
BSH84: nose bleeds are fun
JHmiraclebeam: i think you mentioned it
BSH84: really, cause usually they stop
BSH84: did you go with the liberty?
BSH84: "the only team that could possibly beat ourselves, is ourselves" - reggie bush


Blogger Mac the Knife said...

i couldn't finish past a certain point, but i fucking hate you guys.

5:27 PM  

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